Pyle Photo Service

Genevieve and William Pyle Jr. moved to Ames in 1946 and two years later opened Pyle Photo Service.  The business had its beginnings when Bill and Genevieve lived in Pammel Court, Iowa State’s married student housing.  From 1952 to 54 it moved to the basement of their home on 10th street then until 1960 operated out of the basement below College Town Studio on Welch Ave.  In 1960 they moved the photo service to 121 Main Street.  This building originally housed the Scenic Theater (later known as the Twin Star).     

William died in 1995 but Genevieve continued, along with her son Bill, to serve the public until her retirement in 2008 at the age of 91 when the business closed after serving the public for 60 years.  She died in 2014.