1958 Welch School Graduation Class

This photo shows Welch School students from the graduating class of 1958. Are these second graders? Can you help identify the students or the teacher?

Thanks to Don Watkins for this response:

I can help identify a number of the unidentified youngsters in the photo [of Welch School students] posted at your website. The photo is identified as the "class of 1958," but that date would actually refer to graduation from Ames High School.

This is the second grade class taught by Ms Peterson at Welch School in 1948. Here are the names I can remember today. Maybe more will come to me as I look at all the young faces. Several are on the tip of my tongue. I will provide the names I knew them by, even though Judy was Judith, Jim was James, etc.

From left to right: 1st row - Karen Maakestad, Judy ?, Joan Sclerow, ???, ???, ???, ???, Judy Matterson2nd row - ???, ???, Carol Smith, ???, ???, ???, ???, Ms Peterson3rd row - Jim Merchant, Fred Errington, Charles ?, Jim Schmidt, ???, Dick Ramsey, Donald Watkins