Fun Stuff

We have a correct answer! We had asked, What is This?

We had said,
We're betting you can't identify this unique artifact.
Do you know what this mystery item is?  or what was it used for?
E-mail our curator with your guess or explanation.

John Becker of Bowling Green, Kentucky sent us the answer:

The item pictured is what my family called a tamp. As shown in the photo is was used to compact lumpy soil by raising the flat plate two or three inches above the ground and slamming it down to even out uneven rough lawns. It was also used to pack dirt when holes were filled in. It was back breaking work to use one. By removing the screw from the bottom of the plate and reversing the plate so the the tines were facing downward, when raised, it was used as a yard aerator.

John is certainly correct.  This mystery item was used by employees of the Ames Municipal Cemetery to tamp and aerate soil over fresh gravesites.  The answer to our question was also in the name, SpikeTamp, cast into the bottom of the device as seen below. Congratulations, John! Our hats are off to you!